Getting Started Step 1. Fill out Application/Review form provided for ALL Certifications below Step 2. Upon completion of the form above, send or attach form to our home office at [email protected] There is a $75 Application/Review Fee that can be paid here
Note: IMPORTANT* Anyone currently certified as a biofeedback technician may be eligible to be grandfathered into the ABCB certification program without completing the following steps. Please contact us at [email protected] for more information in regards to this special offer. Step 3. Once your application has been accepted, you may begin your education. You can follow the Diplomat or Home Use Certification buttons on the menu to the left or follow the link below. The educational material is broken down into separate categories of interest. It is expected that every graduate of the Diplomat will have completed at least 2 hours of education from each category totaling a minimum of 58 hours of training.
Step 4. The examination process will start with the Head Mentor who will connect you with an available Mentor. This will be your personal adviser for the duration of
your studies. Mentoring fee's are not included in the price and will be payable directly to your Mentor. There is a separate exam for each of the 29 sections of course material. Any questions regarding a mentor can be sent to [email protected] Step 5. Upon completion of all examinations and being deemed proficient in the field of biofeedback, you will be granted the opportunity of certification. You will be eligible to sign up for a one, two, or five year certification package . A lifetime fellowship is also available. Each year our DIPLOMATS will be expected to take a number of CEU's (continued education credits) to maintain certification for the following year. Review our DIPLOMAT Certification page found on the menu to left or follow the link below.
Any further questions can be addressed by contacting us at [email protected]
Thank You |
ABCB American Biofeedback Certification Board ABCB ABCB American Biofeedback Certification Board ABCB ABCB American Biofeedback Certification Board ABCB